So..... I didn't get transfered... yet. Transfers are next week and we
still have no idea who is leaving. We didn't get to a computer on
tuesday because we were really busy. We taught an 17 year old named
Mario. He goes to school at Newark Memorial and we talked to him
outside a member's house. We had a good lesson on tuesday. He is
really quiet though. We also had the opportunity to bring along
Elijah, so that was great to hear him bare testimony.
Last week we had a pretty intense ward activity. It was a medieval
theme, complete with a kilted sword fight. It was cool and we were
able to get a less active member there who we've been working on since
I got here. A very well done activity, and lots of people were in
attendance. Missionaries love activities like that, because we have an
excuse to invite everyone to the church building.
This week, a senior couple landed in the zone. Elder and Sister Orvin
will be working with the ASL branch, and the rescue of members in some
surrounding wards in the stake. They will also help out with a ward in
the San Jose stake that has a n ASL magnet. It will be cool to have
senior missionaries in the zone. They will work really closely with
the current ASL missionaries. They still are learning sign language,
and they still have the dear in the headlights look. Senior
missionaries are the same as regulard missionaries.
Richard didn't get baptized last and has flaked on us a lot. We are
disappointed, but still working on him and are excited for all the new
and potential investigators we have.
Last Pday was fun. We hiked mission peak. It is a 2,000 mile elevation
change over 2.5 miles of switchbacks. Not too bad. I'm in pristine
hill climbing condition. Even though it was only 2,500 feet, we could
see across the bay in to Palo Alto, all of Fremont, Some of San Jose,
and Pleasenton and Livermore. It was a pretty cool hike. We saw a
rattlesnake, some hawks and a few squirrells.
So if you don't get an email from me next week, I've been transfered
and I'll be emailing next Monday, since most places' libraries are
open on Monday. If I don't get transfered, or I get transfered to a
place that emails on tuesday, then you'll get an email at the normal
time. Have a Good week!
-Elder James Richards
One of the districts in the zone
Half-way up with hald the group
Victory Capri Sun at the peak
the comp
The triumphant climbers
A hawk that was chilling. He let us get way too close to him.